Managing Life in a Pandemic Project

Due Date: Thursday, April 30th

If you are currently enrolled in Freshman Seminar, this project will be your wok for BOTH classes this week.


Create a website about one of the following choices:

Ways to Organize Yourself During Remote Learning

Ways to Socialize Safely During Self Isolation

Ways to Self Care During Self Isolation

Want to see a sample completed project? Click Me!

Ways to Self Care During Self Isolation

List of things you can do


Fasting is very beneficial for our body. It helps our blood sugar control and improves our blood pressure. We fast in our sleep if you didn't know!


Mediation really helps with our state of mind and it helps us refect on our life. Seat somewhere and close your eyes. AND THINK!! and Breathe


NOTE: not saying eat healthy all the time but sometimes. Eating healthy helps our health so during this isolation try a new diet or something. Or after having your meal eat a fruit.

Read a book

Reading keeps our mind active.Read something that you like for example romance,horror,comedy etc


Working out is a way to destress our mind and body. It makes us stronger and healthy. You get the best results when you push yourself to the limit.Sometimes its hard but the result is worth it. Don't give up but don't pull something.